
Welcome to Interworld!

tisdag, januari 31, 2006


In stockholm I saw this guy, he had just bought a finnish flag and was extremely happy that he could show from what country he was.


Last week I met a woman on the street. She was middleaged, quite worn-down, wore a bandana, a gross dirty-white jacket and soft pants. She was smoking a cigarette without holding it, like a locomotive sort of. The locomotive was carrying a big box of Yves Rocher products.


Elvis, on a 24h cruise somewhere between sweden and finland. To my friend he said: "and you're the queen" with the familiar trés cool voice, just after she called out "Elvis!"


Myller av dofter i ränder av
utdragna serpentiner,

en fläkt från dörren som stängs med en djup suck.
Andas in allt tillsammans med en försiktig förväntan,
fyller lungorna.
Duschstrålar som påminner om en kär och bekant handstil.
Spretiga tecken.

Crowds of scents in strings of
pulled-out serpentines,
a breeze from the door which shuts with a deep sigh.
Breathe in everything along with a careful expectation,
fills my lungs.
Showerbeams which reminds of dear and familiar handwriting.
Straggly characters

fredag, januari 20, 2006

How the tragedy almost became complete, continued part 2.

Inpräntade streckkoder, en livslång belägring.
Kamp mot jaget,
en önskan att ha alla väderstreck under sina vingar.
Sorger av att aldrig nå utanför.
Sorger av att kanske inte vara mer,
inte undkomma sina rädslor.


Kom igen Claes, kom igen nu Claes.
Du kan göra det, gör rätt. Du KAN.
Se till nu att du gör rätt,
jag tror på dig, du kan.
Ta det varligt, inga onödiga svängar,
ta det lugnt, stressa inte motorn.
Se bara till att du klarar av det.
Jag tror på dig Claes,
jag tror på dig.



Imprinted bar-codes, a life-long siege.
Struggle against the self,
a desire to have all quarters beneath ones wings.
Grief of newer reaching outside.
Grief of maybe not being more,
not escaping ones fears.


Come on Claes, come on Claes.
You can do it, make it right. You CAN.
Just make it right, now,
I believe in you, you can.
Just be careful, no unnecessary turns,
take it easy, don't rush the engine.
Just make sure you do it.
I believe in you Claes,
I believe in you.

How the tragedy almost became complete, continued..

Sammelsurium av tankar.
Hopp om att inte förbli ofullständig.
Jag vill att du ser mig, utan distans.
Jag vill att du vet.
Jag ser dig.


Rörelse i dimensioner.
Nutid, dåtid, framtid. Tre kvarts läge.
Upptäckter, bege sig på resa. Se glömda eller gömda detaljer.
Helheter eller inget.



Turmoil of thoughts.
A hope of not remaining incomplete.
I want you to see me, without distance.
I want you to know.
I see you.

Movement in dimensions.
Present, past, future. Positioned in three quarters.
Discoveries, make for travels. See hidden or forgotten details.
Entireties or nothing.

torsdag, januari 12, 2006


Hur tragedin höll på att bli komplett

"Vill ni beställa något?"
"Kaffe, får det vara mjölk eller socker?"
"Kaffet kommer om en liten stund."
"Ska vi nödlanda?"
"Tack och hej."


Outvecklade vingar, kraschar
i cementgjutna, stenskarpa principer
tiden tar en ny vändning,
olika äventyr på grånande horisont.
Som nukleärt nedfall på snöbeklädd gata
faller delar av chimärer ned.

Änglar i rader
olika tecken

svåra att tyda.
Tre famnar, luktsalt eller fåglar
olika samband
olika sammanhang


How the tragedy almost became complete.
"Do you want to order something?"
"Coffee, do you want milk or sugar?"
"You will have your coffee in a little while."
"Are we going to do an emergency landing?"
"Thanks, goodbye."

Non-developed wings, crashing
in concrete-moulded, hard-as-stone principles
time takes another turn,
different adventures on a gray-fading horizon.
Like nuclear fall out on a snowcovered street
parts of the chimaeras falling down.

Angels in rows
different signs
hard to interpret.
Six feet, smelling-salt or birds
different connections
different contexts


Bye bye stockholm.

tisdag, januari 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

Waking up in unfamiliar beds in places which makes you feel like your head is about to explode. Celebration starts on Thursday.