
Hur tragedin höll på att bli komplett
"Vill ni beställa något?"
"Kaffe, får det vara mjölk eller socker?"
"Kaffet kommer om en liten stund."
"Ska vi nödlanda?"
"Tack och hej."

Outvecklade vingar, kraschar
i cementgjutna, stenskarpa principer
tiden tar en ny vändning,
olika äventyr på grånande horisont.
Som nukleärt nedfall på snöbeklädd gata
faller delar av chimärer ned.

Änglar i rader
olika tecken
svåra att tyda.
Tre famnar, luktsalt eller fåglar
olika samband
olika sammanhang
How the tragedy almost became complete.
"Do you want to order something?"
"Coffee, do you want milk or sugar?"
"You will have your coffee in a little while."
"Are we going to do an emergency landing?"
"Thanks, goodbye."
Non-developed wings, crashing
in concrete-moulded, hard-as-stone principles
time takes another turn,
different adventures on a gray-fading horizon.
Like nuclear fall out on a snowcovered street
parts of the chimaeras falling down.
Angels in rows
different signs
hard to interpret.
Six feet, smelling-salt or birds
different connections
different contexts
Bye bye stockholm.
At 12:04 fm,
Jan said…
Bra. Ledsamt. Bra.
At 1:57 fm,
Abtronics said…
Det blir kanske en del av en självbiografi. Eller så bara poem.
Flygningen till stockholm var verkligen hemsk.
At 10:58 fm,
Anonym said…
Youve got your heart in your mouth, Rasmus. Could you please make it fivehundred the next time?
At 7:57 em,
Anonym said…
And by the way, i thought you might be interested - is updated with the latest german thievery news. Sonya was spotted in central Malmoe. Hurry! You might catch her this time.
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