Made in January, these are the first works of my project relating to the common(?) feeling of emptiness, its texture and more contradictory its content. Because emptiness that can be felt cannot be without content. It is rather the sense of no meaning that can be beautiful as well as a source of anxiety. A triptych embarking on a mission impossible, trying to express nothingness. Recently I have continued with the original concept of doing something regarding the feeling of emptiness, but in a quite radically different form, which is better suited to the original thought of the project and adds additional aspects. However, I think these paintings have some kind of unexpected quality to them. If you would watch the paintings more closely, you would see the bottom paint making a circular structure common to interiors of pizzerias. A mundane effect to "kill off" the seriousness of the original subject. The common name of the triptych was a text which I can´t recall right now. Maybe I´ll post it later..